A Rising Star in Global Robotics

Silas Adekunle-Robotics’ Wunderkid


British Nigerian Robotics engineer Silas Adekunle is a rising star in the world of Robotics. The 27 year old techie is emerging as a tech innovator who is catching the attention of some of the world’s leading tech companies such as Apple. Silas was born in Nigeria and went to the UK where he attended the University of the West of England where he graduated with a first class degree in robotics.  It was during his formative years in Nigeria that he developed an interest in science and engineering having been raised in an environment where his father was from a science background. He was also always fascinated with blending engineering and nature. When he moved to the UK he was introduced to gaming products such as Pokémon and digital monsters which sparked his imagination. So when it came to decide what to study in university the choice of robotics became easy for him.

Youth Central. NG

When he went into university he felt disappointed with the state of Robotics. He states that the state of the industry was not meeting his imagination. During his time in school he started, Reach Robotics, a company which has now grown to become one of the world’s fastest growing robotics companies. Reach Robotics is credited for introducing a gaming element to robotics

RIF@Bristol /Youtube.com

company launched Mekamon, its flagship product which is widely seen as the world’s first gaming robot and which has the ability to personalise tasks. Mekamom comes with Augmented Reality (AR) game play functions to enhance the user experience. Users can control the robot from a mobile phone or tablet across different terrains. The initial launch of Mekamom grossed a reported $7.5 million. This was followed by the company signing a landmark deal in which the company secured sales of its product through Apple stores in the US and England. The product was launched at $300.  Silas has also been involved in the Robotics in Schoolsprogramme which promotes the role of robotics in in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and also uses robotics to make education for STEM students interactive.